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Guidelines on Overseas Voting(The 22nd National Assembly elections)
Overseas Koreans Agency

① Verify Identity (Present Form of ID)

※ Overseas voters must present an original copy of a relevant document designated by overseas poll station managers for verification of nationality

<Where and when to vote>

▶ Place : Diplomatic missions (Other locations designated by the overseas voting commission if diplomatic missions are unavailable) & additional poll stations.

▶ Period : Between march 27th (Wed) and April 1th (Mon) as decided by the overseas voting commission.

▶ Hours : From 8am to 5pm everyday during the voting period.

☞Information on the venue and voting period for each overseas voting commission will be uploaded to the websites of the NEC (ok.nec.go.kr), MOFA (mofa.go.kr), OKA(oka.go.kr) and diplomatic missions by March 21th.

② Receive Ballot Paper & Return Envelope

③ Mark the ballot, Place Inside the Envelope and Seal

<What to take to the polling station>

(a) A photo ID issued by Korean government or a public agency such as a passport, resident registration card, civil se rvice ID card, driver’s license or an ID card (e.g. alien registration card) bearing the photo, name, and birthday of the voter for identification issued by the government of the country of residence.

(b) Overseas voters, however, must also carry an original copy of a document for verifiying nationality as notifie d by the overseas polling station manager.

※ In case the aforementioned document has a photo, then there is no need for a separate ID card.

④ Place in the Ballot Box

Please refer to the attached file for details.

[Attachment] Guidelines on Overseas Voting(The 22nd National Assembly elections).pdf

Guidelines on Overseas Voting(The 22nd National Assembly elections).pdf